Saturday, August 2, 2008

At long last! THE ANSWER! Why Manitoba booms and NWO stagnates next door.

The Minister's reply makes it clear, even to us backwoods rubes, why we should be destined for the economic dumpster. Apparently Northwestern Ontario*** has "special challenges" not shared by Manitoba.
Not the least of our "special challenges" could be that our economic fate is in the hands of remote and alien decision-makers who think like this.
***According to the Minister, Northwestern Ontario includes the 705 area code. Who knew?
(to be informed and comforted by our illustrious leaders, click on the images below .)
By the way, might "special challenges" be a euphemism similar to the less-than-flattering one they used to apply to "Special Class" in school?

1 comment:

Freda Peeble said...

Testing, testing testing.
(Boots now full)